Welcome to the Yharnam Scholars wiki![]
Three years and ongoing. The Bloodborne Discord #lore channel swirls and churns unending!
The world of Bloodborne perpetuates endless discussion, deliberation, and debate on what exactly transpired in its winding, labyrinthine story. While there may exist a community consensus on certain events, scholars such as us (and perhaps you) have many personal interpretations and theories. From one scholar to the other, these unique perspectives may differ greatly from one another. Nevertheless, the horrors of Bloodborne do not discriminate or differentiate. Be it Lovecraft, Japanese mythology, or even your own life story, the Hunt is yours to experience as you please, though you need not experience it alone.
And such is the beauty of Bloodborne. Here we embark a journey with endless questions, answers, and insight.
Scholars all over the shop...you'll be one of them, sooner or later.
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To be filled with something later...?